Head pain or cephalgia refers to pain in any part of the head or of the entire head This differs from a headache which is traditionally accepted as only referring to pain on the upper part of the head including the temples (sides), frontal (front), parietal (top)Pain in the head or headache is one of the most common disorders affecting humans Various different patterns of headache are recognized and one such typical pattern is pain in the back of head Pain in the back of head can be triggered by numerous causes and the most vital ones are noted in the table provided belowअब पढिये सिरदर्द के कारण, लक्षण और सिरदर्द दूर करने के घरेलू उपचार ये नुसखे आपको माइग्रेन और सिरदर्द से तुरंत राहत देणे में मदद करेंगे
Alien Tashi Pain Song Play On Anghami